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Hansa Teutonica Big Box has arrived

Home > Shop News > Hansa Teutonica Big Box has arrived

After some Covid-related delays, UPS finally knocked at our door yesterday and delivered five cases of the Hansa Teutonica Big Box.

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The game box in all it's beauty...
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The multi-award-winning Hansa Teutonica board game is back in a Hansa Teutonica Big Box edition including the base game and all expansions. In the game, players attempt to increase their standing as merchants in the Hanseatic League by gaining prestige points in various ways. For instance, they can try to establish a network of counting offices in new Hansa cities by occupying an entire trade route between two cities — but before that happens, player markers can also be displaced by other players. Players may also aim to develop their trading skills, improving their abilities throughout the course of play. With only two actions per turn and a variety of contested opportunities, every turn is equally quick and strategically demanding.

(Source: Publisher description)
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And if you haven't heard of the game or the Big Box edition before, here is a tutorial and playthrough from the great Paul (Gaming Rules!):

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