Men at Work: Delayed Until June

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Men at Work, the latest game from Pretzel Games, has been released last October at the Essen board game show. Unfortunately not in the UK: the UK release date has been pushed back again and again and at the moment it is listed by the UK distributor with an unknown release date.

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Box cover
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But on the BGG forum for Men at Work, I found a new release date and an explanation for the delay: the publisher is working on a reprint which is expected to become available in June.

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Why the game has not been available in the UK after Essen? Here the explanation:

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The original print run included English and German editions of the game. The EN editions were dedicated to Essen and the US market.

(Source: BGG forum)
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The UK distributor added the game to his pre-order sheet shortly before Essen and I (as probably many others) assumed that any pre-order would be for copies available after Essen. But this never happened, because the remaining Essen copies were reserved for the US and any UK pre-orders are for the second print run (now expected in June).

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I'm very sorry that I didn't found this out early. If you would like to change your order because of another big delay with this game, please let me know.

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