New in stock: Dice Forge & Kronia

Home > Shop News > New in stock: Dice Forge & Kronia
We have two new games in stock from today:Dice Forge (Libellud)
Dice Forge is a development game featuring innovative mechanics based on dice with removable faces. In this dice crafting game, players build their own dice. Roll your dice, manage your resources, complete ordeals before your opponents and explore multiple winning strategies. Now you control the luck of the dice!
Kronia (Cool Mini Or Not)
In Kronia, favor tokens are placed in three different temples, then players will make secret offers to these temples over the course of twelve rounds. Everyone starts with the same offer cards, so they must anticipate which Gods other players want to please. Deciding when to spend the more appealing offers and when to hold off can be the difference. In the end, the player with the most points from their favor tokens will be chosen to lead the nation into the future.
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