Release date updates (17/11/17)

Home > Shop News > Release date updates (17/11/17)
We have received confirmation from our suppliers that the following games will arrive here next week:
  • Otys (Friday)
  • Azul (Wednesday)
  • TIME Stories: Estrella Drive (Wednesday)
  • Pulsar 2849 (Wednesday)
  • Altiplano (restock - Monday or Tuesday))
  • Heaven & Ale (German Edition - Monday or Tuesday)
  • Reworld (German Edition - Monday or Tuesday)
  • Indian Summer (Monday or Tuesday)
  • Goodie Box 2017 (first batch)
  • Cosmogenesis (Thursday/Friday)
  • Arkham Noir (Thursday/Friday)

But that's not all, for the last week of November we have already received confirmation for the following games/expansions:
  • Noria
  • Nations The Dice Game: Unrest
  • Marco Polo Expansion (German Edition)

More updates will come as soon as we receive them...
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