
Castles of Burgundy Special Edition: Unboxing of the UK Retail Edition

Home > Shop News > Castles of Burgundy Special Edition: Unboxing of the UK Retail Edition

The retail edition of the Castles of Burgundy Special Edition has been released this week.

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The Castles of Burgundy Special Edition - UK Retail Ravensburger
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Unfortunately, there is not much known about the content of the retail edition and where it differs from the Awaken Realms Gamefound edition. To find out what actually is in the box, I made this quick unboxing video to show you the contents of the retail edition.

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So with the minis and all expansions included it seems like the UK Retail Edition matches the Special Edition - Gameplay All-In pledge on Gamefound. The playmat, tiles, and acrylic resources are not included.

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