For the King (and Me)

£19.95 inc. VAT

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SKU: IEL51831 Category: Designer(s): Publisher:


In For the King and Me (designed by Steve Finn), you wish to become the most valuable minister by collecting the right cards while lowering the value of your opponents’ objectives. The game plays the same as the designer’s earlier game Biblios, while allowing for play with up to five people at once.

For the King and Me lasts multiple rounds with players first collecting cards, then bidding for cards. During the collection phase, as the active player you draw cards one at a time, keeping one for yourself, placing one in an auction pile, and placing the others face up for the other players to draft. Once you take a card, you can’t take another, so sometimes it’s a tough call to decide when you want to take something. Once you’ve had multiple collection phases, the cards in the auction pile will be auctioned one by one.

Some cards are worth points depending on their color, some are worth gold, and some allowing you to manipulate the value of the various colors. Once all the cards have been auctioned, players reveal their hands and tally their points to see who wins.

Game Details
NameFor the King (and Me) (2021)
ComplexityLight [1.40]
BGG Rank3884 [6.89]
Player Count2-5



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