Peter Pan

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SKU: MTGMATPET001915 Category: Designer(s): Publisher:


In the Peter Pan board game (designed by Marc Paquien), he and his friends team up to find the Lost Boys in Neverland.

Welcome to Neverland! Become Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinker Bell, Tiger Lily or even Wendy’s brothers, John and Michael. Go out on a quest to find the Lost Boys who… got lost on the island. Explore every location, lead the other players wisely to finding some of the Lost Boys (the ones you know where to find). You will need to cooperate to find them all. After the game, the island will change for a next search.

After choosing your character and learning about your special abilities, each player is responsible for hiding a pirate and a Lost Child. Thanks to a hand of Clue cards representing dreams made by the characters, each player can give clues on the location of the Lost Children or the pirates to avoid. These Clue cards are played on another player’s board by placing them on a “scale” of “relevance” ranging from Exactly to Not at all. The player will then need to correctly interpret the clue to move around and search for the Lost Children in the correct area. The game is won when 5 Lost Children have been found, but it ends if you encounter the pirates more than 2 times. At the end of a game and depending on its success, a dice roll will change the topology of the island, bring new rules and decide how you pursue your adventure: if you lost, the island may become easier to explore or bring new characters to help you, but if you won, new characters and a new type of island will make your new adventure a bit more difficult quest.

Game Details
NamePan's Island (2022)
ComplexityMedium Light [1.50]
BGG Rank21747 [5.61]
Player Count2-5


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