Mille Fiori

(1 customer review)

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SKU: CSGMILLEFIORI Category: Designer(s): Publisher:


Discover the secrets of the Mille Fiori (designed by Reiner Knizia) glass in the glittering lagoon.

Become part of the story as a glass manufacturer and trader. Produce the precious glassware, trade and secure the support of inhabitants. Use a mix of strategies and tactics to build a flourishing glass dynasty! Just remember to keep the secret!

How to play:

The game is played over several rounds. Each player receives five cards face down. Then one face up card per player next to the board. Players then select one card to keep in their hand and pass the rest to left face down. Player reveal their cards and place diamonds on an empty space and earn points. Then, discard the card face up.

Players then pick one card and pass to the left again – and play diamonds. Repeat until each player has one card left.

There are special areas of the board where you can place your diamonds; Workshops – where you will find, raw materials for the glass manufacturer. Residences – this area shows the island residences, this area gains you points an bonuses. Townspeople – divided into groups, the higher you place your cards on the pyramid, the higher the points! Trade – gain commodities and their subsequent points. Harbour – represents the transport link to ship glass to the rest of Europe.

You will need to find the best combination of areas to gain the most points and win! The game ends when the draw pile is used up, or when a player places the last of their diamonds from their personal supply on the board during their turn.

Bonus: Mille Fiori has game has advanced game variations for you to master.

Game Details
NameMille Fiori (2021)
ComplexityMedium Light [2.16]
BGG Rank806 [7.43]
Player Count (Recommended)2-4 (3-4)


1 review for Mille Fiori

  1. Nick Welford

    In Mille Fiori Reiner Knizia performs a ‘Feldian Slip’ engaging in a point salad design that is as combolistious as it is satisfying. The game sees you drafting cards which allow you to place your plastic tiles on to areas on the board where you will compete for the best scoring combos. Each area acts slightly differently with you needing to place your tiles in different ways in order to maximise scoring. As well as points you will be able to earn extra cards. Despite how much is going on in the game it is quite an easy learn and plays very quickly. The two player game is a little disappointing with the full board being used. It feels like a reduced board would have created more tension. But as a streamlined point salad it is jolly good fun!

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