Anachrony: Fractures of Time

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In the alternate storyline of Anachrony Fractures of Time (designed by Richard AmannViktor PeterDávid Turczi)Anachrony’s first major expansion, the four original Paths and the newly formed, sanguine Path of Unity have gained access to a powerful new technology called Flux. Flux Cores can be acquired in the Amethynia Valley, the expansion’s new main zone. By using the Flux Cores to power up their Fracture device, players may move (“Blink”) one of their already placed Exosuits to a new action space instead of placing a new one, or immediately retrieve some of their Workers or Free Action markers. This can result in never-before-seen action efficiency, but just like the Time Rifts, the Flux technology is a double-edged sword. Without a sufficiently advanced Fracture device, overusing it can cause Temporal Glitches; hectic negative effects such as shutting down the Exosuit bay slots, temporarily disabling buildings, or making players more prone to Anomalies.

The Valley holds other secrets as well. The Operators’ advanced technology allows players to remove the Temporal Glitches, upgrade their classic Path tech with new quirks, and even enlist the Harvesters themselves as a powerful new class of Workers, who are immune to the Flux’s side effects.

Anachrony Fractures of Time is the big-box expansion to Anachrony, introducing a new playable faction, the Path of Unity; a new location with new Action spaces; a new type of worker, the Operator; and a brand-new, gameplay-altering feature: the Blinking mechanism. Anachrony Fractures of Time also includes two solo modes, an improved version of the Chronobot for the base game, and the Chronossus, which is compatible with almost every expansion and module.

Game Details
NameAnachrony: Fractures of Time (2020)
ComplexityHeavy [4.57]
BGG RankNot Ranked [8.87]
Player Count1-4



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