Middle Ages

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You are the head of a fiefdom and its future is in your hands. Will you develop agriculture with fields and mills? Or will you become a pious church-builder or prefer to feast in your sumptuous palaces? Develop your lands in your image and become the most influential lord in the kingdom.

Explore the essence of medieval urban life through 8 distinct tiles: fields, farms, villages, forts, markets, barracks, churches, and palaces. Each tile features its own scoring system yet linked to others, offering a rich and immersive gaming experience. Unleash strategic maneuvers, from daring assaults on rival fiefdoms to reserving tiles for future use. Harness the power of tactical combinations to amplify your income and pave your way to triumph!

Game Details
NameMiddle Ages (2024)
ComplexityLight [0.00]
BGG Rank16570 [7.31]
Player Count (Recommended)2-5 (Unset)


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