Toko Island

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SKU: CSGTOKO Category: Designer(s): , Publisher:


Explore Toko Island (designed by Marie FortWilfried Fort) with your friends and find together the 10 Treasures to win!

Together with your friends, you sail towards a mysterious island, in search of old relics. Various researchers and scientists have asked you to bring back valuable treasures for them.

Setup the game and play:One after another in clockwise order, players try to locate Treasure tokens that correspond to the face-up Treasure card. It’s a cooperative game, so don’t forget to discuss with the other players!

First, choose an available Tool on the Ship. The numbers next to the locations on the Ship are multipliers that indicate how many times you may perform the action. Tools correspond to certain parts of the island: beach, jungle or volcano.

Next, flip an accessible Treasure token of your choice face up. You’re allowed to keep searching in the hole you started at, or to choose a different space.

After you’ve flipped 1, 2 or 3 Treasure tokens face up, flip any tokens that weren’t collected face down again on their respective spaces. The Tool is discarded. Now, the player to your left takes their turn.

If you flip a Treasure token that corresponds to the Treasure card, you collect it! Well done! Reveal a new Treasure card and start looking for the next Treasure.

End of Toko Island:
– You managed to collect all 10 Treasure cards.
Congratulations! You won: now it’s time to calculate your score.

– There are no Tools left on the Ship, and there’s at least one
Treasure card remaining. Too bad! Better luck next time… or maybe try again right away?!

Game Details
NameToko Island (2022)
ComplexityLight [1.00]
BGG Rank13347 [7.24]
Player Count (Recommended)1-4 (4)



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