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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Shop News

It’s done: the last parcels have been packed, and the last customer looking for a Christmas present has been given (hopefully helpful) advice. Christmas can finally come 🙂

That leaves me with saying a big “Thank you” to all our customers in 2022. Thank you for sticking with Meeples’ Corner in a challenging year. Thank you for all the friendly chats in the shop and on the phone. Thank you for all the great games we have played at our game nights and game days and other places. Like someone said to me this week: “It’s never work when you enjoy what you do, and that’s all down to each of you!”

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! I’m looking forward to 2023, challenging as it will be, there is always a good game to look forward to.

PS: The shop is now closed for a short Christmas break and will be open again from Tuesday, 3rd of January. New orders will get processed and shipped as soon as I’m back at my desk.